Our products are unparalleled. We protect rental owners from the risks associated with bed bugs and incentivize property management companies to provide exceptional service.
Our process is powerful. We provide a multi-faceted bed bug insurance product that prevents the property management company from losing rental revenues and relationships when bed bugs are found at a property in their care.
Your benefit is unmatched. We pay you to ensure owners and guests are protected from bed bugs and we eliminate one of the most difficult problems you face. Increased guest satisfaction is a natural by-product of bed bug protection.
Having experienced thousands of bed bug infestations within the Vacation Rental Industry, we know a solution to the problem has been long overdue. That is why we have worked with industry experts to create SLEEP TIGHT, the FIRST EVER all-encompassing bed bug insurance product for property managers like YOU!
Our product is designed to reduce headaches and generate a brand new line of revenue for vacation rental business owners. By incorporating the SLEEP TIGHT SALES PROCESS into your business model, we guarantee you will create a new source of recurring revenue for your company and: